Thursday 22 November 2012

[NEWS] Dolphin Wen Wen Heading To Marine Life Park Dies

dolphins wen wen dies on the way to Marine Life Park SingaporeWhat a sad news!
One of the male Dolphin, Wen Wen (estimated to be 10 years old) dies yesterday while on its way to Marine Life Park Singapore. He is one of the 11 dolphins on the three-hour long flight from the Philippines heading to Singapore on Thursday and passed away on plane, one hour before reaching Singapore.
A Marine Life Park spokesperson said that there were two marine mammal veterinarians and eight marine mammal specialists accompanying and monitoring the dolphins. The dolphins were also given thorough medical examinations and were deemed healthy before the move.
According to the park, a necropsy was perform on the dead dolphin yesterday, with officials from Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority present.
This incident also provoked an outcry among animal lovers, who questioned the need for dolphins in the park for educational purposes.
On the side news, another 14 dolphins have already been transported earlier this week from Subic Bay, Philippines. They were kept for training. 

R.I.P Wen Wen.
(source of news: and Today)

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